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Summit Life Now... Kindgdom Landing Philippines

It really is a Now experience, we just completed the benefit dinner and our tickets confirmed. Our Now is right around the corner, have you ever thought about that? God is waiting for us to move so he can provide each of us with a Now experience! Oh do not get me wrong I love memories, my kids when they were little and I was learning to be a father. The times with all my friends from school days and those of my youth. But in reality God does not want us dwelling in our past but He is looking for us to step into our future; by stepping out, he can then meet us around the corner. A team of people are about to move into daily Now experiences in the Philippine Islands. Emergency relief, feeding programs, outdoor concert, prison and police ministry, two islands ready for power evangelism and two "Deep Seed Conferences" for pastors their wives and leaders. This is just a part of what will be taking place for ten days. I will not say we are always ready for what is about to happen to us in a Now time, but we can be assured God knows why we get placed for he has been waiting just around the corner.

As we all know it takes funds to make things happen, prayerfully consider your financial part in this ministry and find out what God has for you just around your corner!

Time will tell

Time will tell how much really happened at the Nogales event. What I do know that God is doing a work through people showing their heart for God. Over 1,750 bags of water, pens, snickers and tracts were given out one by one what a great way to show someone God cares Still hearing stories And I may just share some real soon!

Bowl a Thon

Yes that is right the Bowl a Thon is just two days away. I can hear the sound of pins falling as I write. Kids of all ages helping to raise funds for Children outreach in the Philippine Islands. Now who said doing Kingdom work was boring and no fun! There is still time come and join us, knock down a couple of pins for Christ! Check out the calender and give me a call.