
DonateImpact locally, respond globally

From the Field


We conducted the first pastor/leaders conference yesterday. Approximately 100 pastors and leaders attended. The theme that seemed to materialize from the speakers was "unity". Each speaker was unique and it was amazing to see how God uses each individual's gift to convey their message. The worship was some of the best that I have experienced. I made a comment to one leader that they should put together a "United Philippines" group to become the Judah for the region. Who knows - God has a open door.

The pastors were very receptive to the ministry and many were touched by prayer. I can't wait for the reports after it all settles in.

Please pray that God has an open door in Borongan and the the pastors who heard the word will take it and become a catalyst for change.

I had a prophetic picture during worship. I heard the Angels joining in with the worship, and when I told the Lord what I was hearing, the building began to shake. The Lord then said that He was shaking the ancient foundations of the Philippines and that the old wells would be opened and begin to from with new water and oil. My sense is that it is a spiritual shaking as opposed to a physical shaking.

We move on to Catbalogan later this morning for the second conference. Please pray for an open door, anointing to give the word and that blessings are released on that community.

Thank you for your prayers! John

From the Road

Good morning.

It's Wednesday in the Philippines and the team will be conducting the second (and last) deep seed conference today. The local church and members of the Catbalogan city government hosted a welcoming dinner for the team last night. It occurred to me that as missionaries, sent to the Philippines and welcomed by the church and government, we have the a certain authority to speak a spiritual blessing over the city. We started that process last night. Pray that we continue to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in that regard.

Catbalogan was founded as a "city of refuge." As you may recall, such cities in the bible are those that people can go to seek refuge from persecution. Pray that as a refuge city, Catbalogan is a city free from spiritual persecution...a city that is a just city; a city that is a city of light.

We are only in Catbalogan for one day. This afternoon we move back to Tacloban to wrap this trip up. I understand that we may have the opportunity to hear from Bishop Ven Paul Rodriquez. Bishop Ven has been accompanying us for the last few day. Briefly, Bishop Ven is over the prayer network for this region of the Philippines (Region 8). He attended the Manilla conference on prayer a week or so ago hosted by the Intercessor's for the Philippines (IFP).

He has embraced the mantel for establishing 24 hour house prayer for this region of the Philippines. If you are inclined, please pray for Bishop Ven as he moves down this road.

Well, it's time to get ready for the conference. Please pray for wisdom and boldness as we pour into the Pastor's and leaders in Catbalogan.

Blessings to all...John

From the Road

All...greetings from Seoul, Korea. We are sitting in the airport waiting for an 8 AM flight on the final leg of our journey to the Philippines. The flight was over 12 hours long and all are waiting to get to the hotel. Seoul is 49 degrees and foggy...yeah.

The Seoul airport (Inchon) is different from the airport I remember from my early days. As one would expect, they have a prayer room. We spent time in prayer and left a first fruits blessings. The sign in book was all in Korean so I wrote the date and time and signed it Summit Life Ministries, Tucson, Arizona, USA. We prayed that the next time that the Spirit would move south to north (bottom up - not top down). We also prayed that what God is going  to in Tucson would be coupled with that of Korea and that Korea would receive a double blessing.

Thank you for your prayers.  We do know how important it is...


Showing His Hand

Early in the morning, Lifepointe Church was visited by the Summit Life Ministries truck; half containing tomatoes and peppers and the rest containing water, sobe water, nursing pads, cookies and cereal. The idea was simple, we are having a 'farmer's market' and raising money to send kids to camp! The extent of how God used this event is unknown, as we cannot fully understand all the ramifications this ministry encounters, but we do believe that we learned many lesson of the how-to's and what-not's, as this is Summit Life Prescott's first event. We were showing others and allowing them to catch the vision that God has for this ministry.

There are many stories that can be expressed, but one of the most important ones was a lady who arrived close to the event being completed. She said that she has been taking care of others; someone who had recently had a house fire and also a disabled individual. She started welling up with tears as she told us how strapped they were and said "I do not have any money".

"This is why we are here! We are here to refresh the community"

We would have come and set up this event, even if she were the only one that showed up...because that is what Jesus did! She was able to take what she needed. She was blessed. She and her household were fed.

We believe that everyone who helped, who showed up to see what it was all about, and who supported the fundraiser was blessed by God! This is not about us, but about what about God wants to do. We cannot wait for the next event. Refreshing is coming to Prescott area!

With this Donation, God was able to:

  • Refresh and bless the community with discounted goods!
  • Raise money for kids to go to Camp at Lifepointe Church
  • Rescue families who had no food this weekend
  • Bless the Royal Rangers Camp with Fire wood / Sobe Water / Cookies
  • Bring unity with families and friends who volunteered and helped us
  • Supply a missing 150 food boxes that the Yavapai Foold Bank needed
  • Give 20% of our goods for farm animals that needed feed

What a Bottle of Sobe can do!

We here as American people take so many things for granted. One of them is simply a water bottle. I learned that when attending a mission outreach to the Broken Arrow / Indian Wells church on the Navajo Reservation that this church sponsors and hosts camp for many children and teenagers that come from all over the Navajo Nation. The camp that is run during the summer is to have the kids learn more about who God is. This year will be like no other year because this year the kids are going to have camp with THEIR OWN WATER BOTTLE. In previous camps kids have had to share cups / or write their name on styrofoam cups. This time each child will have their own bottle of Sobe Pear flavored water donated by Summit Life Prescott and will be able to resuse their own water bottle to carry water during the brutal hot summer months of camp! It amazes me how spolied we are to have even our own cup. Kind of puts God's Blessing into a real perspective!

With this Donation, God was able to:

  • Supply water, Sobe water and Toys to the children of the Indian Wells Reservation.

Clearing Unbelief

Here is the Precott area it seems we are dealing more with the UNBELIEF of things to come. Summit Life Tucson and Summit Life Prescott discussed how to do deal with this is by bringing up some inventory. Prescott promised inventory for Lifepointe Church to bless the Indian Reservations around this state. So we delievered on this promise. The slide show below shows some of the inventory! Praise be to God for allowing us to be part of making the community a better place!