It Takes a Moment
Wow look at time it can fly by when you are not looking. It is 2012 already and many things are upon us. If you could see all that God has done in the last year, I sit back and shake my head being amazed how He could use all of us in such a special way. Our first Team Missions trip completed last April and now the second one is upon us with a team of 35 people scheduled to go. We are looking at doing our first Stateside Pastors/Leaders "Deep Seed Conference" for the Spanish Community in Tucson , Arizona. with our expectations of over 35 churches and over 100 individuals. This last year with over 800,000 bottles of water given to ministries, organizations and families throughout Southern Arizona and the goal this year is 1,500,000 bottles. We can do this together. Now our first Medical/Relief container of goods (40ft.) is ready to go to the Philippines and God is opening doors as we sit.
You see it only takes a moment to get a glimpse of what God has for you and me. Everyday God is waiting for us to step into the moment He has prepared for us to be used. It becomes our decision to be the vessel and share the "Abundant Life" we have been given. Take your moment and pray, serve, love and just be. Take a moment to listen to Gods voice . Take a Moment and join with us in 2012!
You see it only takes a moment to get a glimpse of what God has for you and me. Everyday God is waiting for us to step into the moment He has prepared for us to be used. It becomes our decision to be the vessel and share the "Abundant Life" we have been given. Take your moment and pray, serve, love and just be. Take a moment to listen to Gods voice . Take a Moment and join with us in 2012!