
DonateImpact locally, respond globally

Faith for His Cause

We are dedicated to using all our resources and the blessings He provides through you to help feed the needy and build up leadership across the world…

The other day I got a call from a friend about some water he had available to me. He asked on the phone: do you want a container of water? That was over 16,000 bottles of water!
I told him I had to get my contacts together and see what I could do. it would be a big undertaking. I asked if I could let him know the next morning.

His reply was sure. But that I’d be risking it because someone else might get it.
I was willing to take the risk and wait.

When do you say “no”? If you are wise, you never say “no”. What I mean to say is, when God gives you something to use right now, to turn a blind eye is like saying “God, I don’t trust you”.
You see, later the next morning I called and he said the water was gone. I had waited too long!
Stop anticipating what great God can do and open your eyes to what greatness he is displaying today, right now! I broke my own rule – that I should always say “yes” when God is providing.


That’s exactly what I said the next time my friend called a month later. He was like, “are you sure?’

Without a doubt. And you know what? God came through again. We got the water and got it out to people in need without a hitch!

Faith, for His cause…amazing, at work, every day…

Summit Life Now... Kindgdom Landing Philippines

It really is a Now experience, we just completed the benefit dinner and our tickets confirmed. Our Now is right around the corner, have you ever thought about that? God is waiting for us to move so he can provide each of us with a Now experience! Oh do not get me wrong I love memories, my kids when they were little and I was learning to be a father. The times with all my friends from school days and those of my youth. But in reality God does not want us dwelling in our past but He is looking for us to step into our future; by stepping out, he can then meet us around the corner. A team of people are about to move into daily Now experiences in the Philippine Islands. Emergency relief, feeding programs, outdoor concert, prison and police ministry, two islands ready for power evangelism and two "Deep Seed Conferences" for pastors their wives and leaders. This is just a part of what will be taking place for ten days. I will not say we are always ready for what is about to happen to us in a Now time, but we can be assured God knows why we get placed for he has been waiting just around the corner.

As we all know it takes funds to make things happen, prayerfully consider your financial part in this ministry and find out what God has for you just around your corner!

Time will tell

Time will tell how much really happened at the Nogales event. What I do know that God is doing a work through people showing their heart for God. Over 1,750 bags of water, pens, snickers and tracts were given out one by one what a great way to show someone God cares Still hearing stories And I may just share some real soon!

Bowl a Thon

Yes that is right the Bowl a Thon is just two days away. I can hear the sound of pins falling as I write. Kids of all ages helping to raise funds for Children outreach in the Philippine Islands. Now who said doing Kingdom work was boring and no fun! There is still time come and join us, knock down a couple of pins for Christ! Check out the calender and give me a call.

Nogales Nogales Shake Up!

When one event gets done the other is just around the corner and here it is. The Nogales evangelism explosion is here. On March 26, 2011 there will be 4 hours of bands lifting up the abundant life, in the city plaza for all to hear. An amazing time to witness God's people sharing in song and word the love of Christ for all mankind. When you think about it it is not everyday you can get between 14 to 17 different churches working together but we have, now this shows the world the glory of the God we serve.

I am humbled that they would ask me to serve them and their community by sharing the message of the opportunity to receive salvation, healing, restoration and so much more from a living God who cares. Some of you may know what I am talking about, all it takes is a bottle of water in his name to break down the barriers of distrust to share what God can do. Pray for all the Summit Life team that will be traveling with me into Northern Mexico and all those who will be joining us to impact a city that has been controlled by fear and avarice. I can tell you the enemy does not want Summit Life Ministries to go forward but the time is now and the battle is on, so together we will fight together.

Summit Life Now

It is very interesting to try and make it to a "summit experience", we push and push ourselves up to what we perceive will be that now time. If we would only understand it is the whole process that makes the "SUMMIT NOW". All of the efforts gives us the satisfaction to look back and really appreciate hitting that summit. Yesterday I had the extreme pleasure of working alongside not only our Summit Life Team but a group of volunteers helping the town of Wilcox, Arizona. Though obstacles always present themselves when moving up to that "Summit", the joy of seeing others serve and be served was humbling to watch. Lives were impacted yesterday and seeds of life and encouragement were planted. So again thanks to all who served, it was some kind of expedition. This was indeed a "NOW"......

Willcox Images

Willcox High Update

Time seems to catch up to us quicker than we realize and in two days an event that I believe will impact a community for years to come is about to happen. The people of Willcox Arizona and their children will realize they are not alone, someone is there to stand alongside them, helping their physical needs, their emotional needs and yes even those needs that sometimes have to be spoken only with prayer. I am always amazed at how when given an opportunity people are ready to step up, so with great expectation I am ready to serve are you?

Look Out There is about to be a Kingdom of Heaven landing in Willcox with those ready to serve!

Wilcox High School Event

Summit Life Ministries in conjunction with Jericho Faith Center would like to invite you to our outreach event on March 17, 2011 (8:30am - 330pm) at the District Office Campus of the Wilcox High School.  We will be offering FREE Jr, Sr, High Medicine Sports Physicals, Confidential Pregnancy Tests, Sonograms and much more.   The medical portion is provided by Victory Worship Center Mobile Medical Unit and school age children please sign up at the school office.

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What is your Summit?

With Summit Life ministries we are focused on reaching out to a hurting world, locally and globally, with the love of Jesus Christ…not in just word, but with our hands and feet.
Of course, you say, every ministry or church talks about the exact same thing. But did you realize how distant the whole concept of “hands and feet” really is for churches, organizations, even secular business that are trying to do right by the community?

Words are one thing…but actions are entirely different. With Summit Life we skate by the whole idea and concept of hands and feet and instead just do stuff. Today.

Evaluate where you stand and think about the impact you’d like to make in the world. Do you want to be a talker or a doer? It’s your decision.

What is your Rock?

Have you ever considered what it means to act for Jesus? Nowadays many people get so caught up in “talking” about the Gospel, that they stop living the Gospel. SummitLife works now, today for Him, locally and globally. We don’t like to spend too much time chatting about “what we’re going to do” or “what the results will be” and how “big and awesome” they are going to be. Instead, we are all about today.

Ask yourself, what can you do right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a few hours. Not even in 60 minutes. But right now? You’d be amazed at how humbling that thought is. When we stop glossing over ideas, and thoughts we have about ministry or outreach…and get down to what it takes to make something happen…well, then if becomes whole different story. Now…

What can you do…today? Right now…